10 Amazing Uses For Magic Erasers

by The Highest Good Maids - October 17, 2019

Magic Erasers are indeed magical! They are a great multi-purpose tool that  EVERYONE needs to have in their homes. They are very versatile and can be used in just about every area in your home. There are hundreds of ways that you can use these little guys, but here are 10 of our favorites:

1. Removing Scuff Marks

Magic Erasers can remove scuff marks from just about anything! We’ve used them to get marks off the wall (without hurting the paint!), shoe scuffs on the floor, baseboards, and even off of shoes themselves. 

2. Stains in Mugs

I’m sure you’ve noticed that, over time, the inside of your coffee or tea mugs can get stained, no matter how many times you wash them! Not a problem – get out your magic eraser and give it a good wipe. Good as new! Just remember to wash it again before using it. 

3. Banish Soap Scum

These little guys sure do pack a punch! Use them in your bathtub and shower to get rid of that nasty soap scum. They also do a great job on fiberglass, tile, and grout. But use a light hand as a little scrubbing is all that is needed.

4. Cleaning Dry Erase Boards

Cleaning marker off the boards can be tiresome and difficult. Not anymore! Just use a magic eraser to wipe everything off and your board will look shiny and new!

5. Tackle the Microwave

The inside of the microwave can get pretty gross, pretty quick, and it’s often overlooked. Magic erasers make cleaning this a breeze. Just wipe down the inside with one and pretty soon, all that stuck-on food will be gone!

6. Mirror, Mirror

These guys are fantastic at cleaning mirrors and leaving a streak-free shine! There is also a rumor that cleaning your bathroom mirror with a magic eraser will prevent it from fogging up. It’s worth a try!

7. Stained Plastic Tubs

After a few uses, our food storage containers tend to get stains that just won’t budge! The magic eraser shines again as it gets rid of those old spaghetti stains from your Tupperware. Just give them a good wipe down and it’s like you have a whole new set!

8. Banish Those Windshield Bugs

Have you ever gone through the car wash and noticed that there was still stuck-on bug bits leftover on your windshield? SO FRUSTRATING! It’s ok though because that magic the erasers worked on your mirrors can also be used to remove those bug guts.

9. Remove Permanent Marker

Yes, you read that right! A lot of people have been able to successfully remove permanent marker from a bunch of different surfaces using just a magic eraser. Before you try, make sure to test a small area first. It’s worth a shot!

10. Cleaning Non-Stick Cookware

Have you ever cleaned your pans and noticed that there were still patches of stuck-on food that just refused to clean off? Enter the magic eraser! They will get rid of all the stuck-on food before your dishes have had a chance to dry. The manual to the pots and pans I have even recommended cleaning with them! Just make sure to test an area first, especially if you have stainless steel because they can be abrasive. 

We could go on and on with the many uses for magic erasers. They are a magical jack-of-all-trades cleaning tool! What is your favorite way to use magic erasers? Leave us a comment below. We would love to hear about it!

Keeping It Clean,

The Highest Good Maids Team