5 Things Professional Cleaners Do That You Don’t

by The Highest Good Maids - October 10, 2019

We all have our patterns and routines when it comes to cleaning our homes. But when you hire a professional, they somehow get that extra level clean. It’s no secret – they just have a different cleaning process than you. Here are 5 things that professional cleaners do that you don’t, so you can clean like a pro:

A zoom in on a woman's side and leg. She has on a cleaning apron and yellow glove. She holds a bucket full of cleaning supplies. The other yellow glove hangs from the bucket. White text overlays the center of the picture. It reads "5 thigns professional cleaners do that you don't". Underneath in small text it says www.thehighestgoodmaids.com

Always Clean Top to Bottom

This one is super important. Think about it: when you dust and clean things like bookshelves, your entertainment center, your breakables, etc, all of that dust and debris has to go somewhere. Some of it does end up on your cleaning cloth, but a lot of it ends up on the floor or on things below. If you start from the top down, you’ll be cleaning up this dust fallout as you go. This will make cleaning go much faster and you’ll be able to quickly vacuum or sweep up the fallen debris. And who doesn’t love to get the cleaning done faster?

They Clean In Natural Light

There is a reason why most professional cleaners do their jobs midday or when the sun is highest. Next time you’re cleaning, open all the blinds and curtains in your home and let that natural light in! It does a fantastic job of showing any missed spots during dusting. Plus, if you have house plants, they will love the extra sun!

Look For Hidden Dust and Debris 

I know what you’re thinking: I’ve dusted, I’ve opened all the windows, got those places I missed. There can’t possibly be any more dust or debris here right? Wrong! There are hidden places that often get overlooked while cleaning. Move your furniture and vacuum or sweep behind them. Don’t forget to clean off those couch cushions! In fact, take off the cushions on the couch and vacuum all the little cervices. You’ll be surprised at what accumulates there! 

Your Vacuum Is the Real MVP

You would think that a vacuum is just for floors, but they can do so much more! All of those attachments can actually do some pretty neat stuff, so don’t be afraid to use them. They can help clean your curtains, furniture, remove pet hair, and even hard to reach areas like that spot up against the wall. While we’re on vacuuming, make sure to do it twice: once horizontally and once vertically. Speed is key here. Slow it down so it can pick up all those tiny crumbs and bits that are great about hiding in the carpet.

Keep Your Supplies Close By While Cleaning

It can get tiring, and a little frustrating, to have to walk back and forth across your home whenever you need a new cleaning tool or product. Keeping them close by will help speed up your cleaning routine and let you keep all that extra energy you would spend walking back and forth! Some people love getting one of those small, 3 shelf carts that you can wheel around. They give you tons of space to put your cleaning products. If you don’t have a ton of space, don’t worry. They make handheld caddy-type holders that work great as well! The choice is yours.

With these tips, you can clean your home like a professional, and save yourself some time and energy. What are some things you do while cleaning? Leave us a comment below. We would love to hear them!

Keeping It Clean,

The Highest Good Maids Team